Seating set LA312D

Seating set LA312D

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Product code: LA-312KZnD-10

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Technical specifications

Product code: LA-312KZnD-10
Recommended age: 0+ years
Free fall height: 1 m
Measurements: 1,53 x 1,6 x 0,8 m
Required area for assembly: 2,6 x 2,6 m
Fall damping surface:

The seating set is made from spruce wood, or oak should the client require. The wood is impregnated and coated with a triple layer of lacquer, which meets the terms and conditions of the EN71/3 Standard (safe for children's toys).

The posts of the table and benches are made from structural steel (steel profile of 80 x 40 mm and 40 x 40 mm), protected against corrosion by hot-dip galvanizing, which significantly prolongs the life of the play unit. The structures are fixed in a concrete bed. All fastening material is galvanized or stainless steel.

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